Sat, 10am to 3pm
Our Town Foundation in Hamburg, PA, works to revitalize and sustain the town's historic and economic vibrancy. As a community-driven organization, it focuses on enhancing the quality of life for the community, promoting local businesses, preserving Hamburg’s historical character, and fostering a welcoming environment for both visitors and locals. This is accomplished through initiatives that support economic development, cultural events, and historical preservation in Hamburg. Our Town Foundation also administers the Downtown Main Street Program and the Hamburg Area Arts Alliance. In addition, they host the annual Taste of Hamburger Festival and they own and operate the nostalgic Hamburg Strand Theater.
The mission of Our Town Foundation is to revitalize, promote, and preserve downtown historic Hamburg for families and future generations to enjoy. Our vision of Hamburg is one of vibrant streets adorned with restored historic buildings filled with shops, restaurants and professional services. The town will build on and prosper from the abundant natural, cultural, and historic resources within the community. Hamburg will once again be the premier location in Northern Berks for family-friendly shopping, dining, and entertainment.
Take Rt. 61 North from Reading, I78 West from Allentown, I78 East from Harrisburg...look for the Hamburg exit!